
Why Church Online Just Ain’t The Same

If there’s one thing COVID-19 has taught me, it’s how much I can do from the comfort of my couch. I can work, order groceries, video chat with family far away, write this blog post and even ‘attend’ church. Church online is nothing new. Hillsong has an Online Campus with a specially designated Online Pastor (whose entire role, I can...

Where is God’s Providence Right Now?

This pandemic has really messed up my plans. These first few months of married life were meant to be all fun date nights, weekend getaways, and gradually refilling of our savings account.

3 Essentials For Staying Christian At University

I’ll never forget the beginning of my first university lecture. Standing before the class, my theology professor sombrely informed us, “by the time you finish your degree, your faith will either be stronger than ever, or non-existent.” Granted, I was studying theology – a subject directly concerned with the critical examination of religious belief. But in hindsight, I think my...