
The God Who Runs To Meet Us

I’ve been reflecting a lot lately on the parable of the prodigal son. In part, I think the power of this parable is that it tells the story of who I’ve been. I’ve been the young man who went looking for fulfilment in the pleasures of the world, only to find that they left him empty.

Do You Ever Just Hate Other People’s Success?

I do. I find myself looking at people who have the kind of success I want and thinking “they don’t deserve it,” “they aren’t even that good,” or even “think of everything I could do if I had what they had.”

Struggling With Motivation? Do It For The One

When I was in high school, I had an incredible history teacher. She would begin every lesson with a short story; a story intended to make us think, to challenge our assumptions and to inspire us. My favourite was always the Starfish Story.

Church is More Than The Sunday Service

“What’s the point?” That was the question I found myself asking during church one Sunday. I doubt it was the first time I had asked this question. I’m sure I challenged my parents with it most Sundays when they would drag me to church as a kid. But this time was different.

The Most Important Conversation When You Start a Relationship

I always thought I would be an absolute pro at dating. I had read all the books on the subject. Everything by Jason Evert, everything by Joshua Harris, and everything by Dawn Eden. I felt totally prepared. That feeling lasted until exactly five and a half months ago ­– the moment I actually started dating someone.

What Does it Mean to be a Christian Creative?

“None can sense more deeply than you artists, ingenious creators of beauty that you are, something of the pathos with which God at the dawn of creation looked upon the work of his hands.” With these words, Pope St. John Paul II began his Letter to Artists in 1999.

Young Christian Men, Why I’m Not Dating You (GUEST POST)

Dear Young Christian Men, I’ve never been on a date. That’s not to say I’ve never been in a romantic relationship; I’ve been in several. I’ve just never been on a classic get-to-know-you date, outside of an official relationship.

Are Christian Guys Not Taking Dating Seriously?

Christian men, we have a problem. It’s a problem that is going to require all of our courage, confidence and creativity to solve. It’s a problem that affects many of our friends; it might even be affecting you. Finally, it’s a problem that’s frustrating many of the beautiful, wonderful, young Christian women in our lives.

The Church Young Catholics Need (Part 3)

It should come as no surprise that youth ministry is a demanding job. Youth ministers spend hours in overloaded schedules dreaming up speakers, organising events, practising music, setting up sports teams, encouraging outreach to those in need and, of course, preparing food. And then, after all that, sometimes only a few people show up.